Misdemeanor indecent exposure involves elements of the larger crime of indecent exposure that fall short of the felony classification. Law enforcement can charge indecent exposure as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances. Understanding how Rogers County defines, prosecutes, and penalizes misdemeanor indecent exposure helps you navigate the legal process if you or someone you know faces…
Claremore Criminal Attorneys
Explaining The Crime Of Possession Of Burglary Tools in Rogers County
Possession of burglary tools is a serious crime in Rogers County, and can come with significant legal consequences, including jail time, fines, and more. If you or someone you know is facing charges, understanding the elements of this offense, the potential penalties, and possible defenses is critical. Definition of Possession of Burglary Tools Oklahoma prohibits the possession of burglary tools…
What Is The Crime Of Breaking and Entering In Rogers County
A breaking and entering alert led Mayes County Deputies to a theft ring bust in August of 2021. Deputies were investigating an open window and possible breaking and entering when they discovered a suspect inside the dwelling. This led to a 10 hour standoff and eventually the discovery of $250,000 worth of stolen equipment in a field. The theft ring…
Driving Under Suspension and the Penalties in Rogers County
Most people know that you can get your driver’s license suspended for a variety of reasons. However, with the United States being such a mobile nation, not having the ability to drive can create huge problems for people in daily life. Most people in the North East Oklahoma area commute to work or other important places, with a small number…
What Are The Different Degrees Arson Crimes in Rogers County
Arson crimes in Oklahoma is not only a destructive crime but it also carries serious legal ramifications. Just last June, a woman in Del City was charged arson in the second degree for throwing an enflamed towel into her neighbor’s house. The key piece of evidence that led to her arrest was footage from her own outdoor surveillance camera. Oklahoma…
What Is A Competency Hearing in a Rogers County Criminal Defense Case
In Oklahoma criminal defense, a competency hearing addresses the competency of defendants to stand trial. These are crucial to ensure that the legal process is fair and to protect the defendants’ rights and is based on the principle that a defendant must be able to comprehend and assist for a just trial. Here, we’ll discuss the legal standards, process, and…
What Is The Charge Domestic Violence in the Presence of a Minor in Rogers County
The justice system takes complaints of domestic violence seriously. However, domestic violence in the presence of a minor is a crime the courts deal with harshly. Children witnessing domestic violence often have psychological repercussions of anxiety and feelings of helplessness as a result. Due to this research, the courts attempt to protect children from repeat events through severe penalties. Defining…
Leaving the Scene of an Accident Crime in Rogers County
Leaving the scene of an accident is subject to criminal charges in the state of Oklahoma. For example, two brothers are facing trial in the 2015 hit-and-run death of Noelle New. The brothers were drinking and fighting over the radio when they hit Ms. New and her friend. In a panic, the brother’s fled the scene. This type of leaving…
Interfering With an Emergency Call and The Laws in Rogers County
Interfering with an Emergency Call is punishable under Oklahoma criminal law. This happens usually during other crimes. Take for example a North Dakota woman and her son. The two recently broke into a storage unit to steal various items. Simultaneously, a woman noticed them and attempted to make an emergency call. When the thieves saw her making a call they…
Peeping Tom Charges in Rogers County
Recently, an Oklahoma City funeral director was picked up on suspected peeping tom crimes. He was outside windows at an apartment complex. The man’s shoes matched mud tracks from outside surrounding windows, and the man had a bottle of lotion in his pocket. Further, police found video equipment and other incriminating evidence in his vehicle. The law specifically addresses peeping…