Most people are happy to find out that buying a home after bankruptcy is possible. If you have successfully eliminated your debt through bankruptcy, you probably feel ready to take on new financial challenges. While it may be too early to take the big step of purchasing a home, you still likely have questions. How long it will be and…
Claremore Law Blog
Claremore DUI Attorneys
Have you or a loved one received charges for a DUI? Our skilled Claremore DUI attorneys can help you avoid jail/prison time and paying excessive penalties. Driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance is a criminal offense. You receive charges of a DUI if you operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Similarly, you receive the…
Dividing Property in Divorce
There are many factors that will impact the outcome when dividing property in divorce. They include the length of your marriage, presence of children, income and assets, and individual needs. One important factor that will play a large role in the outcome of the distribution of your marital assets and debts is the location of your divorce. Each state has its own…
Medical Bankruptcy Rogers County
The cost of health care in the United States continues to grow every year. Unfortunately, most health insurance plans simply do not cover every medical expense you may incur. Most individuals incur medical expenses in the form of regular doctor visits and prescription medications. However, some people suffer from serious illnesses, injuries or other trauma that require a substantial amount…
Claremore Attorneys Review Prenuptial Agreements
Premarital Agreements are contracts for spouses prior to marriage. It is in contemplation of how property divides in the event of a future divorce or separation. At Claremore attorneys we have helped countless people with issues regarding prenuptial agreements. The majority of courts will enforce prenuptial agreements so long as the contract is fair and reasonable. Generally, the provisions of the agreements…
Claremore Personal Injury Trials and Discovery
If you’ve been injured and are in need of a personal injury attorney you need one with trial experience. Most injury cases don’t end up in a personal injury trial but rather settle out of court. With this said, it is the prospect of a trial that forces the insurance company to settle. Insurance companies spend their time researching personal…