How Serious Is A Lewd Molestation Charge in Rogers County?

Lewd Molestation Charge

Facing a lewd molestation charge in Rogers County is a profoundly serious legal matter. Receiving this charge can lead to significant legal, social, and personal repercussions. Lewd molestation in Oklahoma refers to any act of lewd or indecent behavior with a child under the age of 16. This includes touching, fondling, or any other inappropriate physical contact with sexual intent….

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Can I Challenge A Will For Incapacity in Claremore?

Challenging A Will For Incapacity

Challenging a will for incapacity can be a complex process, but it is sometimes necessary to honor a decedent’s true intentions. Wills are tools that allow a person to make conscious and deliberate decisions on what happens to their assets when they die. However, extenuating circumstances can lead to someone not being in the right state of mind when they…

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Emergency Custody For Grandparents Of Their Grandchild in Rogers County

Emergency Custody For Grandparents

In Oklahoma, grandparents may be able to get emergency custody of their grandchildren under certain circumstances. A court typically grants emergency custody when the child’s safety and well-being are at immediate risk, requiring swift legal intervention. Here, we’ll discuss the conditions needed, the steps to follow for a grandparent getting emergency custody, and what it means for now and the…

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How Do I Fight Sexual Battery Charges in Rogers County

Interfering with an Emergency Call

Facing sexual battery charges in Oklahoma is a serious matter, because these charges carry severe legal consequences and can have a lasting impact on your personal and professional life. However, being charged does not mean you are guilty, and there are several defense strategies you can employ to fight these charges effectively. Here, we’ll discuss some of the potential defenses…

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How Do I Appeal A Probate Court Decision in Rogers County

Appeal A Probate Court Decision

In Oklahoma, you have the right to appeal a probate court decision you believe is incorrect or unjust. First and foremost, it is essential to understand that an appeal is not a retrial. You cannot present new evidence or re-argue the facts of the case. Instead, an appeal focuses on whether the probate court made legal errors that affected the…

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What Is a Field Sobriety Test and How Do I Fight It in A Rogers County DUI?

Field sobriety test

If you’ve ever been pulled over late at night by a cop, you might have been the subject of a field sobriety test. Field sobriety tests (FSTs) are a set of tests law enforcement officers use. These are here to determine whether a driver is impaired by alcohol or drugs. In Oklahoma, officers usually administer these during traffic stops when…

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What are Controlled and Dangerous Drugs in Oklahoma?

Controlled and Dangerous Drugs

Controlled and dangerous drugs have been an epidemic the U.S. has been fighting against for decades. If you live in Oklahoma or are visiting, it’s crucial to understand what the state considers a controlled and dangerous drug. Some studies have stated that from 2012-2020, Oklahoma had the 4th highest total number of overdose deaths in the U.S. Because of the…

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How Does The Court Decide a Parent is Unfit in Rogers County

Domestic Violence Allegations

For the Family court in Rogers County to decide a parent is unfit they use a broad range of criteria. In Child custody cases revolve around the central notion that the best interests of the child are paramount. A major aspect of these cases is the determination of parental fitness. It’s essential for those involved in custody disputes or concerned…

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How Do I Appeal a Criminal Conviction in Rogers County?

Appeal a Criminal Conviction

If you have been convicted of a crime in Oklahoma, you might feel uncertain about your next steps. One option you might consider is appealing your conviction. Read on for more on the process of appealing a criminal conviction in Oklahoma, explaining your rights, the necessary steps, and what you can expect during the appeal. Understanding Your Right to Appeal…

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What Kind Of Expungements Get My Gun Rights Back in Rogers County

Fight a Weapons Charge

The issue of expungements and gun rights is a legal conundrum that people with prior convictions face. Individuals who have lost their gun rights due to a criminal conviction often seek ways to restore them. In Rogers County, one legal avenue is through the process of expungement, which can clear or seal criminal records. However, expungements aren’t the only thing…

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