Stopping Garnishments in Rogers County

Cease and Desist

One of the fastest way of Stopping Garnishments in Rogers County is to file bankruptcy. Many people suffering financial problems often become familiar with garnishments. But all they really know is that their pay check is smaller and a third party creditor is taking their money. But what’s happening with their money and the best way for stopping garnishments in…

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Estate Planning Basics in Rogers County

Estate Planning Basics

Estate planning basics in Rogers County informs people about Wills, Trusts and asset protection. Estate planning isn’t only for the wealthy. If you fail to have a plan in place, it is your family that pays the price after you pass away. Settling your affairs without a plan will likely have long-lasting and costly impacts on your family. However, if…

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Boat Injury Accidents in Rogers County

Boat Injury Accidents

Boat Injury Accidents in Rogers County cause serious harm and sometimes end in wrongful death. Our state’s lakes and rivers may seem to be free from the dangers that the traffic of intersections and roads present for the drivers of automobiles, but boat injury accidents are more common than people think. Out of the 1,427 marine transportation fatalities in the…

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Expunging a Misdemeanor in Rogers County

Exunging a Misdemeanor in Rogers County

Expunging a Misdemeanor in Rogers County is easier than its ever been. Expungements will remove or “seal” past offenses on your criminal record, but you have to qualify. Having a past charge or conviction available to the public eye can cause lots of burdens in your life. Life’s most important things like employment buying a home or renting an apartment…

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Possession of a Firearm after a Conviction

firearm after a conviction

Many people know about the 2nd Amendment’s protection of the right to bear arms.  Further, many groups like the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Open Carry Texas are adamant these rights remain untouched.  This is also reflected in the Oklahoma State Constitution under Article 2 § 26.  However, while Oklahoma prohibits anyone from banning firearms for the defense of person…

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Rogers County Charitable Donations in Estate Planning

Charitable Donations in Estate Planning

Rogers County Charitable Donations in Estate Planning may be an important part of your estate plan. It’s not uncommon for a person to leave a donation to charity in their will.  Over 16 million Americans leave a charitable donation each year.  Under law, you can ensure you leave a donation in your will too.  This article will explain the possible…

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Prostitution in Rogers County

Prostitution in Rogers County

Prostitution in Rogers County is aggressively charged by the District Attorneys Office in Claremore. In 2017 alone 357 arrests were made for prostitution related-offenses within the state. That includes assisting or promoting, or purchasing prostitution. Just last March an undercover prostitution sting in Oklahoma City landed 5 men in jail. Four of the five men had allegedly offered money in…

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False Impersonation Crimes

Lewd Molestation Charge

False impersonation crimes involve the impersonation of just about anyone, though it is often used as a way to refer to a charge of someone impersonating a police officer or other person of authority. When someone is accused of false impersonation crimes, they can face either misdemeanor or felony charges, based on who they impersonated or what the goal of…

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Rogers County Bankruptcy Stops Garnishments

Statute of Limitations for Civil Cases

Filing a Rogers County bankruptcy stops garnishments the instant we file your case. When creditors use wage garnishments to collect debts, it can be quite difficult to cover your everyday expenses. Depending on the debt’s type, an employer may deduct up to 25% of your pay. Thankfully, bankruptcy cases can erase many debts and stop most garnishment types. In this…

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Rape Charges Explained by Rogers County Attorney


In May of 2016, a Claremore man received a three life sentences plus an additional 20 years for the rape of a girl under 14.  The man molested and raped the girl over a period of two years.  The abuse began when she was 12.  As a result, a Rogers County jury dealt one of the harshest punishments to the…

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