What are Controlled and Dangerous Drugs in Oklahoma?

Controlled and Dangerous Drugs

Controlled and dangerous drugs have been an epidemic the U.S. has been fighting against for decades. If you live in Oklahoma or are visiting, it’s crucial to understand what the state considers a controlled and dangerous drug. Some studies have stated that from 2012-2020, Oklahoma had the 4th highest total number of overdose deaths in the U.S. Because of the…

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What Kind Of Expungements Get My Gun Rights Back in Rogers County

Fight a Weapons Charge

The issue of expungements and gun rights is a legal conundrum that people with prior convictions face. Individuals who have lost their gun rights due to a criminal conviction often seek ways to restore them. In Rogers County, one legal avenue is through the process of expungement, which can clear or seal criminal records. However, expungements aren’t the only thing…

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Help Expunging Juvenile Records in Rogers County

Cease and Desist

Expunging Juvenile Records in Rogers County seals the criminal record like it never happened. According to 2022 statistics, 10% of the arrests made in Oklahoma each year are juveniles.  Of this, 79% of the juvenile arrests were related to possession of marijuana or some other ow level infraction.  This is a non-violent crime.  That means that while these crimes may…

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