Application to Revoke in Rogers County

Statute of Limitations for Civil Cases

An Application to Revoke in Rogers County is filed by the District attorneys office. This is filed when they believe that you’ve violated your probation. There are several types of sentences within the justice system.  For example, a crime that doesn’t result in death may sometimes be eligible for a suspended sentence.  So a defendant who pleads guilty is then  required to complete certain things in a certain time period in exchange for staying out of jail.  This is a tool that many people are happy to use.  But, there are some cases that a person violates the probation by not fulfilling the requirements. If this is the case the court issues an Application to Revoke and you can go to jail.

Explaining Application to Revoke

District Attorneys are the lawyers who file charges against you on behalf ofApplication to revoke the State.  Thus, if you fail to complete all the requirements of your suspension, then the DA files an Application to Revoke.  This is a document stating that you didn’t complete the court-ordered tasks agreed to in the plea deal. Thus, you must return to the court where you entered the place and answer to the Judge. The DA will provide evidence of your failure to complete the tasks.

Application to Revoke—The Process

The process is relatively straight-forward.  The DA files the Application to Revoke against you under Title 22 §991(b).  You’ll receive a court date in the original court of your sentencing.  A judge reviews the Application and rules on its validity.

If the judge finds probable cause for the Application to Revoke a warrant is issued. Once you appear for arraignment it gets set for a hearing.  This hearing must occur within 20 days of your plea.  At the hearing the DA will present evidence against you.  You’ll have a chance to rebut the evidence.  However, if the evidence proves that you didn’t complete the court-ordered probation the judge can revoke your sentence.  You’ll than face a range of potential punishment. This ranges from completing the whole system is jail or being allowed to get ought up on your requirements.

Criminal Defense Attorney Near You

An Application to Revoke is a legal process involving filing and paperwork.  Its filed when you violate terms of probation. It doesn’t always mean that you’ll be going to jail but it could. Get in front of it and hire an attorney to argue for you. Call us for a free consultation.