Defining Reckless Handling of a Firearm in Rogers County

reckless handling of a firearm

In March of 2021, the Purcell police department arrested one of their own officers for reckless handling of a firearm.  The officer, Richard Glasgow, was riding his motorcycle when he fell over.  At that point he pulled out his gun and shot twice at a neighbor’s dog.  One shot hit the dog in the paw.  Witnesses say Glasgow appeared drunk during the incident.  While this is one clear example of reckless handling, the law sometimes considers less obvious events as reckless handling of a firearm as well.

Elements of The Crime

The state must prove a series of elements in order to charge you successfully with reckless handling of a firearm.  You can find these elements under 21 O.S. §1289.11.  They are:

  1. You act in a reckless manner;
  2. You are in possession of a firearm during the actions;
  3. The actions must have the possibility of great bodily injury or even death of someone; and
  4. You knew the act had the possibility of harm or death and ignored it.

Firearm Crimes in Oklahoma:  The Consequences

Oklahoma law categorizes this firearm crime in Oklahoma as a misdemeanor crime.  While this is not a felony, it can still have serious ramifications.  For instance, if you receive reckless handling charges and are a handgun license holder, you may receive a license revocation.  You may also face fines reaching $1,000. Even if you do not hold a license, you may face jail time up to two months and fines reaching $500.

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Gun Crime Lawyers in Rogers County

We understand that handguns are common in Oklahoma.  This means that more citizens per capita face the possibility of reckless handling charges, even if you believe you are in the right and protecting someone else.  Don’t let yourself be caught in a situation where you face reckless handling of a firearm charges without legal representation to defend you.  Our first consultation is free.  Call today.