Domestic assault charges in Oklahoma are very serious as it strikes the heart of personal safety and well-being within intimate relationships. One of the keys to this kind of charge is that its between family members. Domestic assault is defined as acts of violence or threats of violence against a family member, household member, or intimate partner. The prosecutors in Rogers County are aggressive in the way they prosecute domestic assault cases. They will use every tactic they have to get a guilty verdict in this type of charge. In this article we take a deep dive into the charge and some of the elements of the crime.
Defining Domestic Assault Charges in Rogers County
Domestic assault and battery encompass a range of behaviors that involve physical harm, threat of harm, or unwanted physical contact within domestic relationships. While specific definitions may vary by jurisdiction, the following elements generally characterize these offenses:
Relationship Requirement: Domestic assault and battery typically occur within relationships defined by law, including spouses, ex-spouses, current or former romantic partners, cohabitants, family members, and individuals who share a child together. The definition of family member is broad to reach even remote or former family members.
Physical Harm or Threat: The core of domestic assault and battery involves the use of force or threat of force against a family member, including hitting, punching, kicking, pushing, restraining, or any other act that causes physical injury or fear of harm. The threat of force must be a reasonable threat of force. The reasonableness of the the threat looks to the person making the threat, as they must be able to make good on the threat.
Intentional Conduct: To be charged with domestic assault and battery, the accused must engage in intentional conduct. This means they purposefully commit the act or engage in behavior knowing it could result in harm to the victim. The assault and battery can’t be an accident, so if someone throws something without the intent to hit someone this might not be domestic assault.
Legal Ramifications and Defenses
The punishment for domestic assault and battery depends on many factors. They can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony depending on aggravating circumstances, such as damage to the victim and criminal history. Penalties may include fines, probation, mandatory counseling or anger management programs, and imprisonment. Additionally, protective orders or restraining orders can safeguard the victim from further harm.
The outcome of your case depends on many different things. The strength of the prosecutors case depends on the credibility of their witness and other factors, such as statements that you made to the Police on the scene. Other factors include the credibility of any witnesses they have or other physical evidence they have.
Rogers County Domestic Assault Lawyers You Can Count On
Domestic assault and battery represent grave violations of personal safety and dignity within intimate relationships. However, by understanding the legal definition, common characteristics, and potential defenses associated with these crimes, individuals can better defend themselves. Luckily, our domestic assault and battery attorneys have years of experience defending this kind of charge. For a free consultation with Kania Law Office – Claremore Criminal Defense Attorneys call 918.379-4872