Many of our clients facing divorce want to know how the courts divide marital debt in a divorce, as well as property. Property division is often as equitable as possible. This doesn’t mean equal, but fair based on income and sacrifices made during the marriage for the partner. However, debts are slightly different. While equitable division is the general basis,…
Claremore Divorce Attorneys
Rogers County Divorce Process
Our clients are often curious about the Rogers County Divorce Process. In truth the divorce process depends on the type of divorce and if there’s children involved. While there are answers to how long a divorce takes as it relates to the Rogers County divorce process, it depends on the type divorce itself. There are three common types of divorce…
Claremore Attorney Discusses Oklahoma Child Support
Oklahoma child support amounts are determined by the states child support guidelines. If you have children and are in the process of filing for divorce, or a paternity case, you will have additional hurdles aside from the already cumbersome task of dividing assets and debts with your spouse. The court requires that you and your child’s other parent agree on…
Attorneys Discuss Divorce Process in Claremore
If you’re considering divorce, you likely have questions regarding the divorce process in Claremore. Some common questions include the time-frame for divorce, and issues related to child custody. If you don’t have children you’ll have questions related to property division and support alimony. Below we answer some questions commonly asked by Rogers County Oklahoma residents regarding the divorce process in…
Dividing Property in Divorce
There are many factors that will impact the outcome when dividing property in divorce. They include the length of your marriage, presence of children, income and assets, and individual needs. One important factor that will play a large role in the outcome of the distribution of your marital assets and debts is the location of your divorce. Each state has its own…