Driving Under Suspension and the Penalties in Rogers County

Driving Under Suspension

Most people know that you can get your driver’s license suspended for a variety of reasons.  However, with the United States being such a mobile nation, not having the ability to drive can create huge problems for people in daily life.  Most people in the North East Oklahoma area commute to work or other important places, with a small number…

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Interfering With Emergency Vehicles

Interfering with Emergency Vehicles

Interfering with Emergency Vehicles in Rogers County is a misdemeanor crime. In the fall of 2017, a Johannesburg firefighter posted a fuming message on facebook.  It stated that emergency vehicles were blocked by drivers and other gawkers from reaching a devastating wreck in a timely manner.  As a result, six people died on the scene.  One driver even used vulgar…

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Unauthorized Use of a Motorcycle

Domestic Assault Charges

One of the lesser known crimes is the unauthorized use of a motorcycle.  Likely, it is because this is a somewhat tedious law.  First, you have to understand which vehicles may fall into the category of motorcycle.  Title 47 § 1-135 designates this though.  It says any motorized vehicle with seats for each rider, having three wheels and an engine…

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